About the AJLP
The Australasian Journal of Legal Philosophy is a broadly based academic journal that publishes theoretical work relating to law and legal studies. The Journal is published by the Australasian Society of Legal Philosophy. It is a refereed journal and welcomes contributions of articles, shorter articles and reviews.
Associate Professor Dale Smith, University of Melbourne
Professor Jonathan Crowe, Bond University
Editorial Advisory Board
Peter Cane (Australian National University)
Margaret Davies (Flinders University)
David Dyzenhaus (University of Toronto)
Jeffrey Goldsworthy (Monash University)
Heidi Hurd (University of Illinois)
Grant Lamond (University of Oxford)
Judith Lichtenberg (Georgetown University)
Denise Meyerson (Macquarie University)
Liam Murphy (New York University)
Mark C Murphy (Georgetown University)
Ngaire Naffine (University of Adelaide)
John Tasioulas (Kings College London)
Robin West (Georgetown University)
Individual memberships to the ASLP include a subscription to the Journal. Institutional subscriptions are also available. Please use this link for membership and subscription descriptions and payment instructions.
Institutional subscribers: please note that the ASLP is unable to automatically renew subscriptions or send invoices.
Submission Instructions
The Journal is blind peer reviewed. It welcomes contributions of articles, shorter articles and critical reviews. Contributions should be submitted as email attachments in any up-to-date format. The Journal expects to have exclusive submissions.
Submissions should be directed to the editor, Dr Dale Smith.
Style in the Journal conforms generally to Enid Campbell and Gretchen Kewley’s Presentation of Legal Theses (3rd ed, Faculty of Law, Monash University, 1996). Footnotes are referenced accordingly, although Harvard-style text notes are also acceptable. For a simplified guide to our preferred style, see the Style Guide.
The Society does not normally require copyright to be assigned for work published in the Journal. This may enable publication of work in the Journal intended to be published elsewhere (subject to the publisher’s necessary permission). The Society does require any subsequent publication to acknowledge previous publication in the Journal. Persons seeking permission to copy work published in the Journal may inquire directly of the author, or contact the Editor, who will pass the inquiry to the appropriate person.